Emilio Tomasini scrive regolarmente per:


Causa l'uscita dei dati economici societari trimestrali buoni per quanto riguarda la cedola da incassare, ma un pò inferiori alle previsioni per quanto riguarda il fatturato e soprattutto con una previsione in leggero calo del fatturato per il prossimo trimestre, il titolo CATERPILLAR ha aperto le contrattazioni, quest'oggi, in leggero gap down appena sotto il nostro il livello di STOP. Pertanto abbiamo venduto tutta la posizione su:

-CATERPILLAR (CAT.NYSE) (US1491231015) A 105,60 $.

Riportiamo un breve nota circa i risultati economici societari del titolo usciti in mattinata:

Caterpillar, Inc. (NYSE: CAT) reported Q2 EPS of $1.69, $0.17 better than the analyst estimate of $1.52. Revenue for the quarter came in at $14.15 billion versus the consensus estimate of $14.46 billion.
The outlook for 2014 sales and revenues has been reasonably consistent with the preliminary outlook that was provided with the third quarter financial release in October of 2013. With half of 2014 now complete, we have tightened the outlook range for the year. The updated outlook for 2014 sales and revenues is a range of $54 to $56 billion. The previous outlook for sales and revenues was $56 billion in a range of plus or minus 5 percent ($53.2 to $58.8 billion). The range of expectations is tighter and the mid-point of the outlook is slightly lower. Most of the change in the mid-point of the range is in Construction Industries and reflects weaker sales in China, the CIS and in the Africa/Middle East region.


Articolo di Sandro Mancini.
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