Emilio Tomasini scrive regolarmente per:

La filiale dietro l'angolo ? Ah i bei predoni di un tempo !

Faccio atto di contrizione. Per una volta mi sono fidato di un broker dopo tanto tempo di odio e disprezzo. Si sa, lo sanno tutti, prima vennero le scimmie, poi le scimmie si evolsero in broker, infine vennero gli esseri umani, ovvero homo erectus, sapiens, e tutti la progenie. Un broker è un broker, ovvero un parente lontano dei predoni. E io ci sono cascato di nuovo. Fidati di un broker e sarai ricompensato.

Adesso salta fuori che Lind Waldock accetta ordini GTC solo giornalmente. Mi spiegate voi che ordini GTC sono degli ordini daily ? Mah. Per chi conosce l'inglese e vuole farsi venire il mal di pancia (oltre che per il caso lacrimoso anche per l'inglese maccheronico) allego la email ultima della serie, in cui si passa dalle astuzie mediorientali al circo nostrano.


Dear Mrs. …..

Today I spent some hours phoning around in Lind Waldock and it seems there are serious problems.

When I got in contact for the first time with you I asked if I would have been able to place GTC orders on JY.

You told me "Yes of course".

I discovered today that it is true that you can place GTC orders but only for the open outcry session and not for the Globex session.

It means that on the Globex you can place only Day order WHILE THE SESSION IS RUNNING AND NOT BEFORE.

If I was a US resident there would not be problems: I wait up to 4 pm Chicago time and I place the orders.

The problem is that I am Italian so for me 4 pm is 10 pm or in summer time 11 pm: every day for all over the year I should wait up to 10 or 11 pm to place an order.

Do you immagine what an imbarassing situation while I am copulating with my girlfriend and at 11 pm I pull over my thousers and I run to place orders on line ?

Moreover: we trade houndred of thousand of dollars and even if we started with yen we would like to go on, put more money and trade also Bovespa and hang Seng.

Yen was only a trial. But what a bad trial …

Open order o GTC order, if you chech on the manual I was given by Lind Waldock many years ago, means an order "RESTING ON THE MARKET ALL THE DAYS UP TO CANCELLATION". This is a Open or GTC order.

So basically I can not place such orders on JY GLOBEX.

What is the worst is that, except US markets, I cannot trade anything.

Take Hang Seng: it starts trading at 7 am Hong Kong time, that means 12 pm in Italian time. Today I tried to place both GTC and day order for the following day (tomorrow) on the Hang Seng but it is not possible: do you think that I can wait every night up to 12 pm or 1 am in summertime to place day orders on Hang Seng ?

You will tell me: it is not allowed by law to place GTC order on GLOBEX …. bla bla bla.

Every broker I got in touch in London and even in US accepts GTC order on YEN and Hang Seng BY PHONE, over all if the customer is foreign, taking care manually of the placement of the order.

So, eventually, there is only one solution: that you allow me to place GTC orders on YEN and Hang Seng and Bovespa by phone.

I will sent more money, let's say about 20.000 euros, to trade all the three contracts above mentioned.

In contrary I will be forced to close the account without trading even a lot.

This is a pity because me and you we lost a lot of time for nothing in opening this relationship.

I hope you will solve the problem.

Try to undertand that not all of your customers are US resident and we cannot trade YEN as you do.

Best regards

Emilio Tomasini


La Borsa sale, a mio avviso. I FIB mini sono allo stesso prezzo di ieri, e questo è quello che conta. Wall Street chiude tutto sommato bene, non è scesa non è salita è andata in orizzontale.

Stiamo a vedere. Oggi sinceramente questa storia di Lind Waldock mi ha rovinato la vita. Non ho molto di più da dire.

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