Still long on SPMIB40 (Dax for the German readers) even if we sold yesterday 2 contacts at our target. Selling 50% of the position at 1 * AvgTrueRange lowers the total net profit but produces a steady equity line. At this point we do not have any opinion or feeling simply we will track our long position with a traling stop lowest(L,3) stop and after a certain profit we will lock it with a trailing stop lowest(L,2) stop.
Euro / Dollar is still lacking the force to go up so that a possible downmove is on the horizon. We sell 2 contracts 1.1898 stop.
BUNDOut, absolutely out. Overnight trader would go to death in a market like this one.
Articolo di Sandro Mancini.
L’autore del presente articolo è iscritto all’Ordine dei Giornalisti e non detiene gli strumenti oggetto delle sue analisi.
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