Active OrdersNo order
Open TradesNo open trade
Filled OrdersNo order
with AutoTrack System Engine©
Legend System It points to the system name Futures/Stock It points to the futures or stock which the system is applied on Orders It points to the trades to be placed, showing if it is a short order (Sell) or a long order (Buy), the number of futures contacts or stocks to be traded, the type of the order to be placed (stop, limit, market, etc.). Type Long Entry (it points to a buy order, that is to a long trade) Short Entry (it point to a sell order, that is to a short trade) Long Exit (it points to a long trade exit signal that is to a sell order) Short Exit (it points to a short trade exit signal that is to a buy order) Symbol Ticker of the financial instrument where the trade is placed on.
Articolo di Sandro Mancini.
L’autore del presente articolo è iscritto all’Ordine dei Giornalisti e non detiene gli strumenti oggetto delle sue analisi.
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