just to click here
I am still without power and telephone service. I am at a friends place whose power was restored on Friday. Therefore I am working from a laptop and from his internet network without the comforts of home. Bear with me as I should be flying within a week. I have omitted some commodities in this issue for the sake of brevity but did some on what sections that I thought were important.
Again if you need me, I can be reached at 917.922.0030.
John Gambino
December N Gas
So far all is on cue as this contract satisfies the wave 4 target. However, it is not out of the woods yet
Articolo di Sandro Mancini.
L’autore del presente articolo è iscritto all’Ordine dei Giornalisti e non detiene gli strumenti oggetto delle sue analisi.
Il nostro giornale rispetta la Carta dei Doveri dell’Informazione Economica clicca qui >>