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Dear valued clients,


The months pastly led to dramatic losses. They have surprised and confused not only you, but also me.

The reasons for this persistent massive drawdown lies to one in the market conditions  which I managed as a discretiony trader next to nothing, on the other hand kept me some private problems away from the necessary rest and calmness which is inalienable if one wants to escape from the loss spiral.

To recognise this, unfortunately, is possible to me only from the retro perspective, otherwise I would immediately have stopped trading.


It would be easy for me to blame other factors like market conditions or anything else than me for this disaster, but this would be gutless, not true and dishonest. I am responsible for this results and only this awareness enabled an honest apology and to ask you for understanding.


Every human beeing had times, when it produced not satifactory results, but only they who takes responsabilty for their results were able to make effective changes and can avoid any repetition of this bad results in the future.


As everybody know : trading means taking risk. You also know that -  but you pin your hopes in my ability to trade.  The final question is, if  I am able to trade and it is possible to avoid to get tilt again!


One of the importanly qualties of a good trader is to face up all problems, without emotions and to have a clear look at this problems  to find a cute decision.


I had to admit, that I want too much. I was in a mental state of having. I liked to prove you and my customers how good I am. So I bulid up an artifical pressure which disables me to trade successfully I did it in the past.

In this mental state I was captured in a loss trap and had no way to play out my abilities and experience.


It would be an very easy excuse to say: the strategy did not work, sorry about the money ! May you find someone else who could do it better. For me it is a question of honor to give my best for my customers and go on trading and offering my service. But this makes only since, if you still trust me. I will ask for no benefits but you have to faith in me.


That's what I will do: I will post trades over the internet for free on my personal website, I keep on trading for those customers who experienced losses (if they still want me to trade funds) and will accept no new customers to concentrate my energy on my old customers until I manage to bring them back to profit


How can I know that the crisis is over? I am back in a good mental condition, because I make a cut. I know now that even I can go tilt. This knowledge makes me more cautious. I am back enriched to know that my mental conditions are more important than anything else. So if I realize any disharmony in my mental conditions I will stop trading directly and try everything to come back in a powerful mental state.


I cant promise you any results, but I can promise you that my full concentration and attention is focused on to bring you back into the winning zone. I ám know aware of the blocks which stopped me to produce good results for me and you. I smothed this blocks out .



Birger Schäfermeier


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