…lo stoploss più veloce della nostra storia di trading online su base daily.
Che dire……a polemizzare, a pensare ad ogni tipo di sotterfugio, a pensare come fregare gli altri, noi italiani siamo i maestri, del resto basta scorrere le notizie quotidianamente per ribadire questa nostra (orrenda) peculiarità.
Ma a volte (pochissime a dire il vero) dobbiamo riscontrare delle eccezioni in questo caso svizzere, infatti come non pensare che il contenuto del comunicato (che riportiamo di seguito) nonchè la tempistica dello stesso siano stati a conoscenza IERI da altri VIP della finanza oltre a quelle della Società ??
E…. guarda caso…. proprio IERI il titolo ha rotto e chiuso sopra un bel livello di resistenza (244 CHF) con volumi sostanziosi ed OGGI…..guarda caso…..esce il famigerato comunicato.
"Zurich Insurance Group AG (ZURN), the biggest Swiss insurer, fell the most in six months in Zurich trading after announcing plans to write off about $550 million following a review of its German general insurance business.
Zurich Insurance dropped as much as 3.6 percent and was down 3 percent to 237 Swiss francs as of 9:49 a.m. That pared the stock's gain this year to 12 percent. Vontobel Holding AG and Bank Sarasin cut their buy ratings on the shares to hold and neutral respectively.
The insurer appointed Mario Greco as head of general insurance in May 2010 to review the business after higher claims and price wars in Germany, Italy and the U.K. hurt profit. Greco left in August to become chief executive officer of Assicurazioni Generali SpA (G), Italy's biggest insurer, with Zurich Insurance appointing Michael Kerner as his replacement.
"This is a lot of money and it is a bit surprising, it makes you wonder what Mario Greco did," said Stefan Schuermann, a Zurich-based analyst at Vontobel. "The writedown was a trigger point to downgrade the stock today."
Zurich Insurance will include the pretax write-off in its business operating profit for the nine months through September. The adjustment reflects moves to strengthen claims provisions, primarily in the long-tail liability lines selling medical malpractice policies and negligence insurance for architects and engineers, and write off part of deferred costs to acquire new business, the Zurich-based company said in a statement today."
Carolyn Bandel in Zurich at cbandel@bloomberg.net
Articolo di Sandro Mancini.
L’autore del presente articolo è iscritto all’Ordine dei Giornalisti e non detiene gli strumenti oggetto delle sue analisi.
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